Be Fearless Class

Everyone has a memory of when they were given an opportunity that was soo amazing and out of their comfort zone, and they said no. EVERYONE HAS ONE.

However, why others keep doing amazing things and your life seems like it’s on pause. Is fear keeping you away from your dreams?

Coach Ellie Curry will help you discover how fear is the main thing holding your life back.  After you take this class you will get the tools necessary to thrive while in fear, have the courage to go after the things you’ve dreamed of, and finally be you!

On Tuesday, April 20 at 7:00 PM EST, Ellie will breakdown what fear is, how to identify it, and how to work throught it.

You will learn 4 Steps on How To Live a Courageous Live:

  • Understanding fear is an emotion
  • It is trying to keep us safe 
  • Understand when fear is lying to you 
  • Work your way to major action through small steps 
  • Work with your fear instead of against it 

If you wishs to attend a Live Coaching Session with Girls L.E.A.P. Coach Ellie Curry?  Sign up to receive updates on upcoming classes and events by subscribing to our newsletter.  Click here to subscribe ->

April 20 @ 19:00
7:00 pm — 8:00 pm (1h)

Ellie Curry

Reserve Your Seat Now!