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Starting a Side Hustle

Do It!

Use that skill. That thing that you do well or sort of well. Use it to create your own business, be an entrepreneur, generate extra income. Starting a side hustle is not a new concept. Pre-COVID-19, professional advice recommended it to crawl out of debt, or as a precaution. The side hustle is the new way to live, by having multiple streams of income. 

The pandemic has given many the realization that alternate income is vital. Think about all the things you know how to do. Find what you are passionate about and turn it into a business. 2020 has shown us the harsh reality that truly, you never know what tomorrow will bring. It is time to build, make moves, and be prepared.

Working full time, having children, and creating a business is far from easy. Dedication, organization, wearing different hats, and learning new skills are required. To begin with, without question, block out time each day to devote to your business, even if it is only for an hour or two. This time is non-negotiable. It comes before all other duties and tasks that you usually complete in the evening, so choose your time carefully. Perhaps it is once all the children have gone to bed, or right after dinner and homework is complete for the day. Do whatever you need to be consistent. Consistency is the key.

Self-discipline is an additional needed quality. More importantly, believe in yourself. Have faith. It takes time and the first few weeks may go rather slowly. Once you have developed a system, your pace and production will increase, so will your revenue.

Just think, six months from today you could be in a completely different place. Get serious, study your craft. Your life can go from 0-100 very quickly by making moves in the right direction.

Have patience as you learn to use new programs or software. YouTube can show you how to do just about anything. Therefore, growing your business may mean watching a boring video or two. It is well worth it.  Make time.  Do not quit even when it gets frustrating! Get to work on your side hustle and never lose sight of your, “why” in the process.

Mira Cassidy     miracassidy.com

Writer, Luxury Travel Advisor, Motivational Speaker

Speaking Topics: Breaking Free from Domestic Violence and The Joy of Travel

Mira Cassidy
Mira Cassidyhttp://miracassidy.com
Follow Mira Cassidy on Instagram! Mira is an award-winning author, journalist, and motivational speaker. As a survivor of domestic violence, Mira works to encourage and educate fellow survivors through public speaking and her journey. Mira loves to travel! Therefore, she is a luxury travel advisor as well who loves helping others see the world through travel! http://amazon.com/author/miracassidy
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