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Tips to Productively Work Remotely and Virtually Lead Your Team

With coronavirus shaping our future and completely restructuring the way we conduct business on the day-to-day, we’ve had to learn new strategies and approaches to not only work productively, but also create effective team working methods. It hasn’t been easy to say the least. Many of us were thrown into this new work-life structure while balancing home life, homeschooling, and childcare. We’re also adapting to working from home and working remotely when so many are used to in-person office settings.

So how do you effectively work remotely and lead a team to success while working virtually? It’s a challenge but after 4 months, we’ve found great systems that have helped us thrive through the pandemic in business and life.

1.) Face time. Not the i-Phone app, but actual face time. It’s important to maintain appearances because it allows you that personal connection that teams need to effectively communicate and work together.

2.) Create a designated working area and make it yours. Customize your work space. Buy yourself a snazzy desk if you have the means – decorate it with things that inspire and motivate you.

3.) Establish a schedule that works best for you and your family. Prep weekly activities for the kids over the weekend and try to plan out their days ahead of time if you are juggling homeschooling. Keep them as busy as possible because this will allow you productivity which you desperately need.

4.) Take breaks! I’ve found that many working from home are actually more productive that they forget to take a designated lunch break or morning break. This is important to relieve mental load and unwind throughout the day.

5.) Create a virtual calendar scheduling system such as Appointy and Calendly. This will allow you to make your own schedule and time block in advance, then have co-workers schedule an appointment or call with you by simply sending them a link. But set boundaries with your time. Now that we are all working remotely, some are “conference call happy” and are scheduling calls left and right. Allow yourself enough time to effectively work and make sure your days aren’t back-to-back calls and zoom meetings.

6.) Establish good email etiquette if you haven’t done so by now. Now is the time to be more personal. When emailing associates, employees, clients, etc. always ask how they are doing. Always hope they are healthy and well and express this in emails. It’s a difficult time for many. Express your humanity with your associates.

7.) Schedule monthly check-ins for the team as a whole and for team members individually. Communication is everything right now, as is connection since most of us are lacking both. Make sure you are always on the same page with your team to effectively work together remotely.

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