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How is Your Relationship After Lockdown?

“We’re all in this together!” This sentiment is one that Americans have heard consistently in commercials, on the news, social media, newspapers, and billboards. However, for those in a healthy relationship, is this the attitude you’ve taken towards your mate? Or, now that lockdown is over are you excited and shouting, “Free at Last!”

This pandemic has shown us all who we really are at the core. If you claim to be a good Bible toting Christian, did your virtues stay intact while exhibiting mildness and self-control? For others, did you learn that you can be selfish? Did you make sure you had the necessities and never once ask a neighbor if there was anything you can do?

Your closest neighbor is your mate. Did you comfort him/her and find new and fascinating ways to grow together and display love? Some couples have come out of this experience closer than ever before, while other couples are knocking on the doors of divorce.

For those who struggled, a few ways to tighten your marriage is to reflect over what made you first fall in love. What attracted you to your mate? Think about it. Does your mate still have that same attraction, or did it fizzle out? If the fizzle is gone, have you explored activities together to “shake things up?” Chances are attraction and love are still present. Write down reasons why you love each other and trade papers. Pause and allow yourselves to speak openly and honestly at a time of day when you both feel like talking. Conversation of this nature will not be successful if one or both of you are tired and irritated by some other event that has taken place during the day.

Can you set aside time to participate in engaging activities? Ride bikes together or play a card game. When dealing with each other remember to use your manners. In public, you say ‘excuse me’, ‘please’, and ‘thank you’ to complete strangers on a regular basis. Therefore, speak respectfully and with love to each other consistently.

If lockdown has allowed you to see the worst of each other, things are fixable. As long as both parties are willing to be patient and put in the work, your relationship will blossom and your love and commitment to each will become deeper.  Don’t just give up on each other, exhaust your options. Once you exhaust your options, do it again! After all, some men and women can be slow learners.

Mira Cassidy

Author, Journalist, and Motivational Speaker

Speaking Topics include: Breaking Free from Interpersonal Abuse, Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experience, Breaking Toxic Cycles, Maintaining Health and Wellness

Email miracassidy@gmail.com and visit miracassidy.com

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