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Women Changing the World with STEM

“Little girls with dreams become women with vision”-Anonymous

An engineer, computer scientist, astronaut, biochemist, or an oceanographer, all of these careers and more are in reach for the girls of today. All they need is a woman like Meri Roboci, an innovative educator, to show them the way.  

STEM, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a study that is primarily and has been a male-dominated field. Roboci works to inspire and educate elementary to high school students in the STEM industry and encourage them to challenge themselves to grow into more confident, hardworking, and passionate people. She especially gives much-needed attention to the girls. “We just need to show these girls how easily they can adapt to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Show them the ways they can explore these fields and use tools to make their dreams come true,” Meri shared when talking about her passion for teaching. “I, myself, am grateful to people that introduced me with the never-ending, always-changing creative world of technology and would love to be that person to some other kid.”

In addition to all that she affirms to her students, Meri also believes self-love is essential in order to find success in life, both professionally and personally. “You’ve got to know your value without a validation or celebration from others. Self-love protects our emotional health when times get hard.”

In the field of STEM, women must support women. This population is often harshly judged when they are among one of the few females on their floor, in the company, or organization. Only a small percentage of women have reached leadership positions, however, they have the power to give another a fair opportunity. “Personally, I know I wouldn’t be where I am without the support and inspiration of other women, from those I know personally to those who’ve simply lent me inspiration. Whenever we have the chance, we should help those around us realize their own potential and give each other official recognition when possible”

For young girls to succeed in STEM, Meri shared a few tips, “Never stop doing what you love. Everything done with passion is done right! Be determined. It will be hard but never stop trying. Have confidence, even if you do not know how to do it, learn how to do it, and never say you can’t, if you trust in you, others will trust in you as well.”

Click here to learn more about STEM and careers for women!

Mira Cassidy
Mira Cassidyhttp://miracassidy.com
Follow Mira Cassidy on Instagram! Mira is an award-winning author, journalist, and motivational speaker. As a survivor of domestic violence, Mira works to encourage and educate fellow survivors through public speaking and her journey. Mira loves to travel! Therefore, she is a luxury travel advisor as well who loves helping others see the world through travel! http://amazon.com/author/miracassidy
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