Brand Awareness is the development and formal plan of your defined message and how you’re going to have your message heard. This is a necessary step in the development of your business before taking a brand public.
1.) Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy. Before beginning your brand awareness strategy, of course, make sure your brand identity is set. Who are you as a company? What is your company goal? Do you have a tagline? These are the factors you want to consider before developing the specified ‘brand message’ you want to put out into the public. Then, develop the plan in how you intend on gaining brand awareness and recognition.
2.) Public Push. Making the customer and brand consumers aware of the brand before seeking out press placements is highly recommended. Before securing a story, many editors research the brand’s credibility and Reputation before publishing. Make sure you have a brand that is google-able, so to say. How do you gain awareness and recognition? Leveraging the Web. One word-Bloggers: The ultimate perk of the ‘new age media’. Engage with bloggers to cross promote your brand with their platform. Offer your company as an addition source of web leverage.
3.) Social Engagement. Social Media outreach and management should be utilized to interact with your ideal audience and overall, make people aware of your brand. Utilize image-based content for maximum interaction. Secondly, develop an e-mail list and create a bi-weekly newsletter. This will help develop and increase consumer outreach.
Giveaways/Contests. How else would you want your product seen other than pushing your product to the public; Don’t be afraid to offer a giveaway. Generate the hype and get people talking!
4.) Product Placement and Reviews. Take my word for it, make best friends with community bloggers, and bloggers around the country even! They are the leading source in raising brand awareness.
Once you’re on the roll and finalized with brand development and awareness, congratulations! You are ready for PRESS!
To develop brand finalization, brand identity, or a press plan for your company, e-mail