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What TikTok and African Have in Common

Time is quickly running out! TikTok, the Chinese base app, may become no more. If a Unites States company like Microsoft, doesn’t buy it soon, then it will be banned effective on September 15. President Trump placed an executive order for TikTok to cease U.S. operations if an agreement can not be made.

What’s the concern? The fast-growing overseas app is accused of being a national security threat and invading the privacy of users. Currently, TikTok has about 100 million. For a fact, the app does collect certain information. For example, the app tracks the type of device you are using to post videos and collects your location data as well as internet address according to The Wall Street Journal. If that isn’t concerning enough, be advised that users browsing, and search history are stored along with corresponding messages.

TikTok representatives have fired back blaming political tension as the reason behind the accusation. However, the U.S. is not the only country to voice a concern. India took action against TikTok this past June.

What’s going on? Will TikTok be banned? In a few weeks, we will have an answer. In the meantime, another question that more and more people around the globe have been asking is, why is China buying up land in Africa? According to Investopedia, deal after deal has been made between the two countries for well over a decade.

Africa, a land full of resources, has now become a hotspot. The motherland currently contains 90% of the entire world’s supply of platinum and half the world’s gold supply. Africa has many other resources such as cobalt, manganese, and uranium. China is interested in the raw resources of this land and one resource is more important than the others, coltan. African has nearly 75% of the world’s supply. Coltan is an important resource that we all depend on. It is used in electronic devices, especially cell phones.

A brewing has been stirring for a while between China and the United States over African resources. Recently, China has expanded its military presence in this land. Since China is one of the world’s largest nations, by continuing to secure land in Africa they are in fact strengthen their own economy. Is it China vs. The World? Some people think so.

Mira Cassidy (miracassidy.com)

Writer, Travel Agent, Motivational Speaker

Speaking topics: Breaking Free From Interpersonal Abuse, Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Live, Learn, Travel

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